Increase Your Internet Traffic With the One-Line Attention Grabber.
There are many articles on the Internet today that advise people on how to promote a successful e-commerce website. These articles are valuable resources, yet I find that most do not go beyond the technical aspect of website promotion. Mainstream topics of web promotion today explain how to rank high on a search engine, how to create viral affiliate programs and how to create targeted e-direct mail. These techniques are very important and I encourage every e-commerce businessperson to become an expert in these subjects however, it is my opinion that many Internet entrepreneurs are not tapping into their full profit potential because they are ignoring the basics of marketing. Whether you are an established Internet guru or brand new to the e-commerce scene, I think this short article will serve to light a fire under your proverbial rear end as I reintroduce one of the basics of marketing known as the one-line attention grabber.A one-line attention grabber can be used like a neon sign to attract interest and to encourage curious web surfers to visit your site. Your attention grabber should wake people up, startle them and create an irresistible desire to read more about your web page. A good attention grabber leaves the reader eager for answers. Also known as a slogan or tag line, a one-liner can help you grab a potential customer’s attention so you can introduce what you do or what you can do to benefit the customer. Here are a few well-known examples from some popular and successful companies.
“Always Low Prices!" –Wal-Mart “Have it Your Way" –Burger King “The Quicker Picker-Upper" –Bounty “It’s Everywhere You Want to Be" –Visa “Reach Out and Touch Someone" –AT&T
Creating a slogan does not require a great deal of creativity. It could be simple as stating what you or your company does. For example, if you have an Internet business that sells nutritional supplements, you can have a slogan that states “your source to a fitter and healthier life." A good slogan is simple and merely invites potential customers to read or learn more about a company or website. It can also make for an interesting title to a web page. Now that you have the attention you want, it is up to you to make these potential customers fully grasp what you can do for them and to convince them that acquiring your product or service is in their best interest.
Getting traffic to your website will require some work. Even if you have a firm grasp of the technology involved in website promotion, you would be wise to not overlook proven marketing techniques such as simple attention grabbing slogans.